Latency Hiding of Host to Device Memory Transfers

This initiated as part of a contribution to the LLVM Project under the Google Summer of Code 2020.

Given the increasing number of use cases for massively parallel devices (GPUs), solving the problems they bring have become an important research field. One of the main problems that needs to be solved is the long time (latency) that it takes to move data from the computer’s main memory to the device’s memory. Therefore, using the LLVM compiler infrastructure, the proposed solution consists of adding a new functionality to the current OpenMP interprocedural optimization pass, OpenMPOpt, such that the OpenMP runtime calls that involve host to device memory transfers are split into “issue” and “wait” functions. The “issue” function will contain the code necessary to transfer the data from the host to the device in an asynchronous manner, returning a handle in which the “wait” function will wait for completion. The “issue” and “wait” functions will be moved upwards and downwards respectively, until it is illegal to do so. Doing this, the instructions between the “issue” and the “wait” can be executed, while separately doing the data transfer to the device, hence, reducing the time the process is blocked waiting for the transfer to finish.

This prototype project focuses on analyzing and splitting the runtime call __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper. Therefore, following there are descriptions and links to the Merged Code, Pending for Review, Work in Progress, and TODOs.

Merged Code

Split the runtime call __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper into its issue and wait counterparts. Commit.

Moving the wait version of __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper down as much as possible. Commit.

Getting the values stored in the offload arrays passed to __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper. Commit.

Regression test that checks if the runtime function __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper is actually split and moved correctly. Commit.

Pending for Review

Grouping the setup instructions (issue) for the runtime call __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper. Phabricator review.

Unit-testing infrastructure for the optimization pass OpenMPOpt. Phabricator review.

Work in Progress

Moving up the issue version of __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper. That is, after having grouped the set up instructions of the runtime call, try to move it up as much as possible over instructions that are guaranteed will not modify the memory regions being offloaded.


  • Find a solution for the problem with the Alias Analysis Manager. Currently it always returns that a call to any function may modify one of the offloaded memory regions even if the offloaded region has the noalias modifier.

  • Moving down the wait version of __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper, but now inspecting more complex Control Flow Graphs. Right now it only analyzes the basic block where the runtime call is located.

  • Moving up the issue version of __tgt_target_data_begin_mapper, but now inspecting more complex Control Flow Graphs. Right now it only analyzes the basic block where the runtime call is located.